Realizou-se o presente estudo com o objetivo de avaliar a prevalência de anemia ferropriva, o consumo alimentar e antropometria em pré-escolares da rede pública municipal de Teresina, Piauí. O estudo foi do tipo transversal, descritivo e analítico, aleatorizado com 400 crianças na faixa etária de 2 a 6 anos, alunos de Centros Municipais de Ensino Infantil, de ambos os sexos. Foram avaliadas características como os dados socioeconômicos, antropométricos, concentração de hemoglobina e consumo alimentar dos pré-escolares. A amostra teve distribuição normal, média de idade de 4,5 anos, a média de peso foi de 17,7kg e altura média de 105 cm. O tempo em que as crianças estavam matriculadas nas creches variou, em média, entre 15 e 20 meses. A escolaridade predominante entre mães e pais foi o nível fundamental, com 50% e 53,3%, respectivamente. A renda familiar da maioria das famílias foi de 1 a 2 salários mínimos e havia em média cinco pessoas na família. Quanto às características de saneamento básico, apenas o item esgotamento sanitário e asfalto não era frequente em 100% das residências. Quanto à prevalência de anemia verificou-se que 36% das crianças estavam com anemia ferropriva, sendo mais frequente nas crianças do Centro Municipal da Zona Sudeste, caracterizando diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as médias comparadas com o local de estudo e a concentração de hemoglobina. Do total de crianças estudadas a maioria (74,8%) estava eutrófica, 11,5% com risco de excesso de peso, 8,5% com excesso de peso e apenas 5,2% apresentou magreza. Com relação ao estado nutricional e a presença de anemia, havia crianças que não estavam anêmicas e destas, a maioria (81,4%), estava eutrófica. Observou-se associação positiva entre anemia e estado nutricional. Os grupos de alimentos mais consumidos foram os seguintes: arroz, pão, biscoitos salgados, bolo doce e salgado; feijão, lentilha, ervilha, grão-de-bico, soja; leite; e manteiga/margarina. Os grupos de alimentos que foram menos consumidos foram: os vegetais tais como: couve, espinafre, brócolis e outros vegetais verde-escuros; Cenoura crua; Cenoura cozida, abóbora amarela e jerimum; Preparações com fubá de milho; Queijos e iogurte; Gema de ovo; Abacate; Vísceras e miúdos; Carne de porco; Frango; Carne de cabra e similares; achocolatado; farinhas (espessantes) de arroz, amido de milho, aveia e outros, além de rapadura e doces; amendoim, castanhas e amêndoas. Na correlação entre os grupos de alimentos, hemoglobina e IMC-para-Idade verificou-se existência de correlação positiva (p<0,05) entre alimentos fontes e/ou facilitadores de ferro com o aumento da concentração de hemoglobina e com o estado de eutrofia das crianças pesquisadas. Grupos de alimentos energéticos e proteicos apresentaram correlação positiva com o risco de excesso de peso. Concluiu-se, portanto, que 36% dos pré-escolares estavam anêmicos e apresentavam um baixo consumo de alimentos fontes de ferro e facilitadores de sua absorção..................ABSTRACT: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia, food intake and anthropometry of preschool children from the public school of Teresina. The study was cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical, randomized type with 400 children aged 2-6 years attending Municipal Childhood Education Centers, of both sexes. Characteristics such as socioeconomic data, anthropometric, hemoglobin concentration and dietary intake of preschool children were assessed. The sample had normal distribution, mean age 4.5 years, mean weight was 17.7 kg and mean height of 105cm. The time in which the children were enrolled in kindergartens ranged on average between 15 and 20 months. The predominant schooling among mothers and fathers was only elementary level, with 50 % and 53.3 %, respectively. The family income of most families was 1-2 minimum wages, on average there were five people in the family. About the features of sanitation, the item about sewage and asphalt was uncommon in 100 % of households. The prevalence of anemia was found that 36% of children were iron deficiency anemia is more frequent in children from the Southeast Zone Municipal Center, which was statistically significant difference between the averages compared with the study site and hemoglobin concentration. Of all children studied most (74.8 %) were normal weight, 11.5% at risk of overweight, 8.5 % were overweight and only 5.2 % were underweight. Regarding the distribution of nutritional status and anemia among children who were not anemic, most were eutrophic. There was a positive association between anemia and nutritional status. The food groups with the highest frequency of consumption (daily consumption) were rice , bread, crackers , sweet and salty cake (93.3 %), beans , lentils, peas , chick- peas, soybeans (70.5 %), milk (69.3 %) and Butter / Margarine (56.0 %). The food groups considered rarer intake were vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli and other dark green vegetables (87.8 %), raw carrot (83.3 %); cooked carrot, yellow squash and pumpkin (62.8 %), corn flour, corn meal preparations (56.5 %), Cheese and yogurt (52.7%), egg yolk (64.3 %) and avocado (86.5 %). In the category of meat, offal and kids (56.8 %) there was a higher percentage of rare consumption, as well as pork and chicken (71.8 %), goat meat and similar (87.8 %). The beef had moderate consumption because daily consumption (47.0 %) was higher compared to the other frequencies. The fish had a higher percentage of consumer rare / never (41.8 %) , although not characterized as high, often followed by two to four times per week (32.0 %) and weekly consumption (25.5 %), demonstrating a low consumption of these foods . Also been consumed less (never / rarely) foods such as chocolate (63.5 %), flour (thickening) of rice starch, millet, oats and others (74.0%), and molasses and sweets (79.0%), peanuts, cashews and almonds (85.5 %). In the correlation between the groups of food, hemoglobin and BMI -for-age is found that there is a positive correlation (p <0.05) between dietary sources and/or facilitators of iron with increasing hemoglobin concentration and the state eutrophic of the surveyed children. Groups of energy and protein foods showed a positive correlation with the nutritional status of risk of overweight. Therefore, it is concluded that 36% of the preschoolers were anemics and had a low intake of iron-rich foods and facilitators of absorption.