Repositório Institucional da UFPI

BOLSONARO E O FLERTE COM A DITADURA: o papel da jurisdição neoconstitucional na proteção do estado democrático de direito

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Show simple item record MACHADO, Carlos Daniel Araújo 2024-10-02T12:01:36Z 2024-10-02T12:01:36Z 2024-10-02
dc.description Orientador: Prof. Dr. Gabriel Eidelwein Silveira Examinadora interna: Profa. Dra. Lila Cristina Xavier Luz Examinadora interna:: Profa. Dra. Karinne Emanoela Goettems dos Santos pt_BR
dc.description.abstract RESUMO O presente trabalho tem por escopo investigar os impactos do bolsonarismo no Estado Democrático de Direito, com um enfoque especial no Supremo Tribunal Federal e do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral. Para tanto, valendo-se do livro “Como as democracias morrem”, o primeiro capítulo da pesquisa buscou demonstrar as principais falhas no processo político que permitem a ascensão de um candidato autoritário ao poder, como os efeitos da polarização ideológica na desintegração política, que acaba por inviabilizar a prática partidária de impedir que outsiders se tornem aptos ao voto popular e consequentemente, ao cargo mais importante de um país presidencialista. Dessa forma, o referido capítulo concentrou os principais conceitos políticos, baseados, especialmente, na perspectiva de Steven Levitsky e Daniel Ziblatt, que partem da premissa de uma relação eventual, porém direta, entre o que se caracteriza como populismo e uma política antidemocrática. Adiante, sentiu-se a necessidade de contextualizar o leitor acerca do que se denomina de neoconstitucionalismo ou movimento neoconstitucionalista, esclarecendo suas variações, de tal sorte a demonstrar o importante papel do papel do Poder Judiciário na salvaguarda da Constituição Cidadã de 1988 e de nossa democracia. Por fim, apropriando-se das falas de Jair Messias Bolsonaro acerca de institutos democráticos como o próprio STF e TSE, as urnas eletrônicas e a garantia fundamental ao exercício da liberdade de expressão, adotando a forma de condução de análise de discursos de Mary Jane Spink, o capítulo derradeiro quedou-se em demonstrar a existência de clara inconformidade entre o discurso bolsonarista e os preceitos constitucionais democráticos. ABSTRACT The scope of this work is to investigate the impacts of Bolsonarism in the Democratic State of Law, with a special focus on the Federal Supreme Court and the Superior Electoral Court. To this end, using the book “How Democracies Die”, the first chapter of the research sought to demonstrate the main flaws in the political process that allow the rise of an authoritarian candidate to power, such as the effects of ideological polarization on political disintegration, which ends up making unfeasible the partisan practice of preventing outsiders from becoming eligible for the popular vote and, consequently, for the most important position in a presidential country. In this way, the referred chapter concentrated the main political concepts, based, especially, on th e perspective of Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, who start from the premise of an occasional, but direct, relationship between what is characterized as populism and an anti-democratic policy. Ahead, the need was felt to contextualize the reader about what is called neoconstitutionalism or neoconstitutionalist movement, clarifying its variations, in such a way as to demonstrate the important role of the role of the Judiciary in safeguarding the Citizen Constitution of 1988 and our democracy . Finally, appropriating the speeches of Jair Messias Bolsonaro about democratic institutes such as the STF and TSE, the electronic ballot boxes and the fundamental guarantee for the exercise of freedom of expression, adopting Mary Jane Spink's way of conducting speech analysis , the final chapter focused on demonstrating the existence of clear non-conformity between Bolsonarist discourse and democratic constitutional precepts.ABSTRACT The scope of this work is to investigate the impacts of Bolsonarism in the Democratic State of Law, with a special focus on the Federal Supreme Court and the Superior Electoral Court. To this end, using the book “How Democracies Die”, the first chapter of the research sought to demonstrate the main flaws in the political process that allow the rise of an authoritarian candidate to power, such as the effects of ideological polarization on political disintegration, which ends up making unfeasible the partisan practice of preventing outsiders from becoming eligible for the popular vote and, consequently, for the most important position in a presidential country. In this way, the referred chapter concentrated the main political concepts, based, especially, on th e perspective of Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, who start from the premise of an occasional, but direct, relationship between what is characterized as populism and an anti-democratic policy. Ahead, the need was felt to contextualize the reader about what is called neoconstitutionalism or neoconstitutionalist movement, clarifying its variations, in such a way as to demonstrate the important role of the role of the Judiciary in safeguarding the Citizen Constitution of 1988 and our democracy . Finally, appropriating the speeches of Jair Messias Bolsonaro about democratic institutes such as the STF and TSE, the electronic ballot boxes and the fundamental guarantee for the exercise of freedom of expression, adopting Mary Jane Spink's way of conducting speech analysis , the final chapter focused on demonstrating the existence of clear non-conformity between Bolsonarist discourse and democratic constitutional precepts. pt_BR
dc.language.iso other pt_BR
dc.subject Sociologia pt_BR
dc.subject Jair Messias Bolsonaro pt_BR
dc.subject Bolsonarismo pt_BR
dc.subject Democracia pt_BR
dc.subject Supremo Tribunal Federal pt_BR
dc.subject Alexandre de Morais pt_BR
dc.subject Bolsonarism pt_BR
dc.subject Democracy pt_BR
dc.subject Federal Supreme Court pt_BR
dc.title BOLSONARO E O FLERTE COM A DITADURA: o papel da jurisdição neoconstitucional na proteção do estado democrático de direito pt_BR
dc.type Preprint pt_BR

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