RESUMO: Nesta dissertação são obtidas famílias de exemplos de superfícies translacionais mínimas nos espaços homogêneos tridimensionais, hiperbólico e solúvel (Sol3 ). Efetivamente, são resolvidas as equações de superfícies mínimas em cada caso. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho são extraídos dos artigos de López (2011), Minimal Translation Surfaces in Hyperbolic Space, e Munteanu e López (2012), Minimal Translation Surfaces in Sol3..................ABSTRACT: In this dissertation it is obtained families of examples of minimal translational surfaces in three-dimensional homogeneous spaces, hyperbolic and solvable (Sol3). Effectively,it is solved the equations of minimal surface in each case.The results here presented were extracted from the papers of López (2011), Translation Minimal Surfaces in Hyperbolic Space, and López and Munteanu (2012), Minimal Translation Surfaces in Sol3.