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Show simple item record TORRES, Patricia da Conceição Lima 2020-03-11T13:18:03Z 2020-03-11T13:18:03Z 2020-03-11
dc.description Orientador: Prof. Dr. Elmo de Souza Lima.. Examinadora Interna: Profa. Dra. Rosana Evangelista da Cruz.. Examinadora Externa: Profa. Dra. Lucineide Barros Medeiros. pt_BR
dc.description.abstract RESUMO:A Educação do Campo configura-se como um novo paradigma educacional no Brasil, que tem sua origem na luta dos movimentos sociais pelo direito à educação de qualidade, na perspectiva de uma formação crítica, para/com os povos do campo. Constitui-se na reivindicação de direitos e de políticas públicas emancipatórias para os/as camponeses/as em situação de exclusão econômica e social. No Piauí, a Ecoescola Thomas a Kempis, localizada na zona rural do município de Pedro II, desenvolve práticas educativas, na perspectiva da Educação do Campo, voltadas à reflexão crítica da realidade social, política, econômica e cultural do semiárido. Nesse sentido, este trabalho de investigação foi direcionado a partir do seguinte problema: quais as contribuições da prática educativa, desenvolvida pela Ecoescola, para a formação crítica e o processo de emancipação dos/as educandos/as? Considerando o problema apontado para o estudo, definiu-se como objetivo geral: investigar como as práticas educativas desenvolvidas na Ecoescola contribuem para a formação crítica e a emancipação dos/as educandos/as. E como objetivos específicos: analisar como os princípios da Educação do Campo são incorporados na prática educativa desenvolvida pela Ecoescola; compreender como os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos utilizados no desenvolvimento da prática educativa favorecem a articulação teoria/prática numa perspectiva interdisciplinar; identificar as atividades educativas desenvolvidas na perspectiva da inserção crítica dos/das educandos/as na comunidade e discutir os desafios vivenciados pela Ecoescola na construção da prática educativa associada aos princípios da Educação do Campo que dialogam com a proposta de convivência com o semiárido. As reflexões desenvolvidas nesta pesquisa fundamentam-se nos estudos de Abromovay (1992), Arroyo (2014), Caldart (2004), Molina (2004), Fernandes (2009), Freire (1987), Lima (2011), Silva (2006) dentre outros/as. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa associada à abordagem crítico-dialética, que teve como técnica de construção de dados a observação sistemática, a pesquisa documental e a entrevista semiestruturada. Para a sistematização e análise dos dados, foram utilizadas as contribuições teóricas da análise de conteúdo, fundamentada em Bardin (1977). Os resultados da investigação apontam que a prática educativa desenvolvida pela Ecoescola Thomas a Kempis é pautada num projeto de libertação humana e traz contribuições importantes para a emancipação dos/as educandos/as, na medida em que fomenta a criticidade, a autonomia, a organização coletiva e a troca de experiências com as comunidades do campo.ABSTRACT Rural Education is configured as a new educational paradigm in Brazil, which has its origin in the struggle of social movements for the right to quality education, in the perspective of a critical formation, for / with the rural people. It constitutes the application of emancipatory rights and public policies for the peasants / as in situations of economic and social exclusion. In Piauí, Thomas a Kempis Eco-School, located in the rural area of Pedro II, developed educational practices, in perspective of Field Education, focused on the critical reflection of the social, political, economic and cultural reality of the semiarid. In this sense, this research work was directed from the following problem: what contributions of the educational practice, developed by Eco-School, to the critical formation and the emancipation process of the students? Problem pointed out to the study, defined as a general objective: to investigate how the educational practices developed at the Eco-School contribute to the critical formation and the emancipation of the students. And as applicable objectives: to analyze how the principles of Field Education are incorporated in the educational practice developed by Eco-School; understand how the theoreticalmethodological assumptions used in the development of educational practices favor a theory / practice articulation in an interdisciplinary perspective; identify as educational activities developed from the perspective of critical / educational / community correction and discuss the challenges experienced by Eco-School in the construction of educational practices associated with the principles of rural education that arrange with a proposal of coexistence or semi-arid. In this sense, this research work was directed from the following problem: what are the contributions of the educational practice, developed by Eco-School, to the critical formation and the emancipation process of the students? Considering the problem pointed out for the study, it was defined as a general objective: to investigate how the educational practices developed at the Eco-School contribute to the critical formation and the emancipation of the students. And as specific objectives: to analyze how the principles of Field Education are incorporated in the educational practice developed by Eco-School; understand how the theoretical-methodological assumptions used in the development of educational practice favor the theory / practice articulation in an interdisciplinary perspective; identify the educational activities developed from the perspective of the critical insertion of the students in the community and discuss the challenges experienced by Eco-School in the construction of educational practice associated with the principles of rural education that arrange with the proposal of living with the semiarid. The reflections developed in this research are based on the studies of Abromovay (1992), Arroyo (2014), Caldart (2004), Molina (2004), Fernandes (2009), Freire (1987), Lima (2011), Silva (2006), among others. This is a qualitative research associated with the critical-dialectical approach, which had as18 technique of data construction systematic observation, documentary research and semi-structured interview. For systematization and data analysis, the theoretical contributions of content analysis, based on Bardin (1977), were used. The results of the research indicate that the educational practice developed by Eco-School, Thomas a Kempis is based on a project of human liberation and brings important contributions to the emancipation of the students, as it fosters criticality, autonomy, collective organization and the exchange of experiences with rural communities. pt_BR
dc.description.sponsorship CAPES pt_BR
dc.language.iso other pt_BR
dc.subject Educação do Campo pt_BR
dc.subject Semiárido pt_BR
dc.subject Prática educativa pt_BR
dc.subject Emancipação pt_BR
dc.subject Rural Education pt_BR
dc.subject Semiarid pt_BR
dc.subject Educational Practice pt_BR
dc.subject Emancipation pt_BR
dc.type Preprint pt_BR

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    Nesta coleção serão depositadas todas as Dissertações do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação do Centro de Ciências da Educação.

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